Wednesday, December 24, 2014

This is What Matters Most

I've been doing a lot of thinking about homeschooling T-rex, because I plan to start in the fall.  I worry that I will not have a good enough relationship with him to make it work.  T-rex is constantly trying me, pushing my buttons, and being a typical energetic and physical 3 year old.  Because of this, I have come up with a new mantra - This is What Matters Most.  I am going to start saying it to myself during times where I just want to knock T-rex's block off.  Because during these small moments, my anger tells me that he deserves to be yelled at, yanked from the naughty thing he is doing, or sent endlessly to time out.  BUT-I am going to try to change it.  Because I HAVE TO CHANGE or I may push my child away, dim his bright and vivacious light, or loose the special relationship I have to the boy who made me a mother.  The relationship I have with my children, husband, family and my Savior;  THIS IS WHAT MATTERS MOST and it's about time I start acting like it.

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