Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Mission, Vision, and Culture

I've finally written out our family mission, vision, and culture.  It reminds you WHAT (vision) you are working for and HOW (mission) to get there.  I've spent time writing T-Rex's homeschool vision by thinking about what I want T- Rex to be like when he is 25 years old.  I know, I know, the kid is 3!  But, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."  So I've spent about 10 minutes thinking about each of the following categories and then trying to write a concise vision :)  (Concise is relative...I know!)

  • Spiritual
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Social
Then I tried to figure out the HOW.  What are the daily activities, character qualities, and ways of thinking that will help me reach the goals we have set in the vision?  I've also added our family culture - what I hope it will be!

Below is what I've come up with.  What would you add?


Spiritual:  Temple attender. Family History Guru.  Love of the scriptures. See with spiritual eyes.  Use the priesthood to bless others including your family. Know who you are, and seek your divine potential. Serve missions and be sealed to your eternal companion in the house of the Lord.  Gives meaningful service.

Mental:  Lifelong learner.  Seek truth out of the best books, including the words of the prophets.

Emotional: Resilient.  Not easily offended.  Views the home as a safe place to be himself.

Financial:  Entrepreneur.  Knows how to save.  Knows when to spend.  Is a producer.  Sees money as a tool to help others.

Physical:  Take care of his body with sleep, exercise, and healthy eating habits. Spends time enjoying the outdoors.

Social:  Be friends with his parents.  Feels comfortable to come his parents with challenges he is facing.  Make every woman feel like a million bucks.  Reach out to the friendless and create relationships with like-minded people.  


We are hard working and resilient students who love to learn.  We strengthen our family bonds by daily communing with God through prayer and by studying His words.  We spend our time in the best books and through serving one another.



He's only 3, I know, but here we go!

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